A Letter From Steph Campbell

Dear Friend,

Steph CampbellI have been a strong advocate for the separation of church and state my entire life. But it wasn’t until 2004 that I discovered Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Since then, I have become deeply involved in AU, from starting my own chapter in California, to serving as a Trustee. It is the only organization that represents my values, and my concerns on where our country is today regarding religious liberty, the problems we face moving forward and the rights we have lost or may soon lose.

AU is a critical part of my life. Like you, I understand what’s at stake if we fail in our fight for religious freedom. Our beliefs should not dictate public policy—but the quest to make it so has become an extraordinary beast that will take years to defeat.

This is why I made the choice to deepen my support for AU through a gift in my will.

What better way to extend my values than with a gift that costs nothing to make today, but will benefit those who come after me?

I hope you will join me by supporting AU through a gift in your own will or estate plan.

I tell people all the time about how we need AU’s mission to continue for our children, grandchildren and beyond. I am proud to back that statement up through my commitment to AU’s future. Will you join me?

In thanks and solidarity,

Steph Campbell
Proud supporter of religious freedom
Member of the Jefferson Circle

Be a Shield for Religious Freedom

Like Steph, you can use your legacy to help defend democracy. Contact Chelsea Collings at (202) 466-3234, ext 213 and collings@au.org to learn more.